
I would like to programatically apply a custom number format so that I can use custom currency symbols in my cells (such as for cryptocurrency) and keep them as numbers so that I can do math with them or chart the values.

I have looked at the following options already:

  • If I use the spreadsheet function "CONCATENATE", I get a string and cannot do math or chart with the final value.

  • Spreadsheet function TEXT() can get the number format to display how I want but not all custom currency symbols "work" - the following for instance turns the value into a text string and I cannot do math/charts with it.

Ex: =TEXT(SUM(C5:C7),"Ƀ#,##0.00000000")

reference on TEXT(): https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3094139?hl=en

  • If I create a custom function, say format(cell), and use JS to add any text strings to the value, it's no longer a number type.

Ex: function GBP(amt) { return '£' + parseFloat(amt).toFixed(2)); }

This won't work either as resulting string is not a number:

function BTC(amt) { return parseFloat('Ƀ' + parseFloat(amt).toFixed(2)); }

  • setNumberFormat(format) cannot be used in a custom function to be called via spreadsheet formulas.

  • Copying another cells formatting? I also see this as a workaround but it looks really not efficient if I have to copy and paste formatting for every cell I want the proper formatting : Applying "Automatic" number formatting

  • Copying the values into another column just for conditional formatting and the original numbers only range used for maths/charting. This is more a workaround a not a clean solution.

In short, I just want to add custom currency symbols to my numbers and still be able to do math and charts with them. Does anyone know a working, direct way to do so via Google Apps Scripts or spreadsheet functions/menus?

Why not just Format > Number > More Formats > Custom Number Format and supply [$Ƀ]#,##0.00000000?Robin Gertenbach
query can do custom formatting without making it as text. You could try using query instead of text() in sheets API.TheMaster
@RobinGertenbach The reason I cannot do that is because the cell values are dynamic - the values are determined by a data validation drop down. So different values require different formats. Your method will give that cell a format to apply to all conditions.Denis Lam

1 Answers


To programmatically apply a currency format to a single number and to keep it as a number in order to do arithmetic operations with it use setNumberFormat(string).


  • A custom function can't be used to apply a number format as custom functions can't modified the cell format.
  • Conditional Formatting doesn't apply number formatting
  • The Google documentation doesn't include currency formats. They could be got from the Google Sheets UI. First set the desired currency format for a cell by clicking on Format > More Formats > More Currencies, the click on Format > More Formats > Custom Number Formats... and copy the format from the text box.


The setNumberFormat is a partially implemented Google Apps Script function that currently applies Pound sterling currency format ([$£-809]#,##0.00) or a default format (#,##0.00) . The test function is used to call it assigning 'Pound sterling' to the format parameter.

function test(){
  setNumberFormat('Pound sterling');

function setNumberFormat(format) {
  var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
  var numberFormat = '';
  try {
    switch (format){
      case 'Pound sterling':
        numberFormat = '[$£-809]#,##0.00';
        numberFormat = '#,##0.00';
  } catch (e){
    throw new Error('There was an error: ' + e);

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