I want to dive into the whole diversity of tools which provide connection between programs over the network.
To clarify the question, I divide it on subquestions:
- Why some groups of programs (or specific tools/frameworks/approaches with programming languages where this frameworks can be used) were popular in each period of time? (I expect description of problems which were solved, description of tools, why those tools are considered as best solution to those problems at that time, why some tools lost popularity)
- What is the entire history of software communication over the network? (tools/approaches popularity precisely to decades)
- What are the modern solutions to this problem?
I can distinguish only two significant approaches.
RPC, RMI and their implementations (I saw this, but it is about concrete problem and specific tools to solve this problem, I want to see the place of this problem in the whole picture of interconnection programs over the network. I heard about implementations: ONC RPC, XML-RPC, CORBA, DCOM, gRPC, but which are active now? which are reasonable to use? which are preferable and why? I want answers not to be opinion based, so I accept answers like "technology A better than technology B for problem X because ..." only if there is reliable research/statistics or facts). I heard that RPC and RMI were popular 10 years ago. Are they still?
Am I miss something? Maybe there are some technologies which solve problem completely new way? Maybe there are technologies which can be treated as replacement to RPC(RMI) and Web Services? Can we replace RPC(RMI) by REST for any task? Can we replace RPC(RMI) by REST only for modern tasks? Should I separate technologies not as RPC and Web Services, but in some other manner?