
I'm writing a program for matrix multiplication with OpenMP, that, for cache convenience, implements the multiplication A x B(transpose) rows X rows instead of the classic A x B rows x columns, for better cache efficiency. Doing this I faced an interesting fact that for me is illogic: if in this code i parallelize the extern loop the program is slower than if I put the OpenMP directives in the most inner loop, in my computer the times are 10.9 vs 8.1 seconds.

//A and B are double* allocated with malloc, Nu is the lenght of the matrixes 
//which are square

//#pragma omp parallel for
for (i=0; i<Nu; i++){
  for (j=0; j<Nu; j++){
    *(C+(i*Nu+j)) = 0.;
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(k=0;k<Nu ;k++){
      *(C+(i*Nu+j))+=*(A+(i*Nu+k)) * *(B+(j*Nu+k));//C(i,j)=sum(over k) A(i,k)*B(k,j)
By tweaking omp parameters I've got 200% speed up on my machine. original: llcomp.googlecode.com/hg/examples/mxm.c current: codepad.org/nSfZHp03jfs
Nice solution. Yeah, OpenMP is kinda trickyElalfer
Code that uses 'fortran' memory layout for the B matrix runs 4-8 faster (the greatest benefit) for 1000x1000 matrices (threaded version takes 0.5 seconds). gist.github.com/790865jfs
Have you estimated your Gflops/s? It should be 2.0*n^3/time. Compare that with the max for your CPU: frequency * (SIMD_width)* (2 ILP) * (number of cores). e.g on my 2600k it is (4GHz) * 4(AVX) * 2 (ILP) * 4 cores = 128 DP Gflops/s. Likely your efficiency is less than 10%.user2088790

2 Answers


Try hitting the result less often. This induces cacheline sharing and prevents the operation from running in parallel. Using a local variable instead will allow most of the writes to take place in each core's L1 cache.

Also, use of restrict may help. Otherwise the compiler can't guarantee that writes to C aren't changing A and B.


for (i=0; i<Nu; i++){
  const double* const Arow = A + i*Nu;
  double* const Crow = C + i*Nu;
#pragma omp parallel for
  for (j=0; j<Nu; j++){
    const double* const Bcol = B + j*Nu;
    double sum = 0.0;
    for(k=0;k<Nu ;k++){
      sum += Arow[k] * Bcol[k]; //C(i,j)=sum(over k) A(i,k)*B(k,j)
    Crow[j] = sum;

Also, I think Elalfer is right about needing reduction if you parallelize the innermost loop.


You could probably have some dependencies in the data when you parallelize the outer loop and compiler is not able to figure it out and adds additional locks.

Most probably it decides that different outer loop iterations could write into the same (C+(i*Nu+j)) and it adds access locks to protect it.

Compiler could probably figure out that there are no dependencies if you'll parallelize the 2nd loop. But figuring out that there are no dependencies parallelizing the outer loop is not so trivial for a compiler.


Some performance measurements.

Hi again. It looks like 1000 double * and + is not enough to cover the cost of threads synchronization.

I've done few small tests and simple vector scalar multiplication is not effective with openmp unless the number of elements is less than ~10'000. Basically, larger your array is, more performance will you get from using openmp.

So parallelizing the most inner loop you'll have to separate task between different threads and gather data back 1'000'000 times.

PS. Try Intel ICC, it is kinda free to use for students and open source projects. I remember being using openmp for smaller that 10'000 elements arrays.

UPDATE 2: Reduction example

    double sum = 0.0;
    int k=0;
    double *al = A+i*Nu;
    double *bl = A+j*Nu;
    #pragma omp parallel for shared(al, bl) reduction(+:sum)
    for(k=0;k<Nu ;k++){
        sum +=al[k] * bl[k]; //C(i,j)=sum(over k) A(i,k)*B(k,j)
    C[i*Nu+j] = sum;