I want to use the FTP task in ant, and I have found the appropriate jar files and got everything working fine. I have put the jar files in a "libs" directory alongside the other files used in the build. The only problem is that the user must run "ant -lib commons-net-ftp-2.0.jar" to make a build; I would really prefer that it were possible to just run "ant" with no arguments.
Reading the ant optional tasks intallation page, I see that there are five ways one can load up extra libraries in ant, and none of them are really what I'm looking for. I do not want to force the user to make any modifications to their system to run this task; it should be possible to just load it from the "libs" directory inside of our product's source folder. So that means setting the global CLASSPATH is also out (which is a bad idea anyways).
The last option, as noted in the documentation, is the preferred approach... loading the jarfiles individually from the build script itself. I have done this in the past with the ant-contrib tasks and JUnit, and would like to do that here, but I don't see how I can accomplish this. The FTP task doesn't support a nested classpath element, and I don't know the XML resource I would need to load this library via a taskdef. How can I load the libraries from within ant?
Edit: In response to the answers and questions which have been posted here so far, I'm using ant 1.7.1. Making an ftp taskdef definitely does not work; that throws the following error:
BUILD FAILED /my/path/build.xml:13: taskdef class org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.net.FTP cannot be found
Perhaps this is because the classname is wrong. How exactly do I find the classname I'm supposed to use if I only have a jarfile? It's not documented anywhere, and I couldn't find anything in the jar itself resembling that path.