I have a postgresql table with a json column filled with objects nested in array. Now I want to build a query that returns the id and concatenated string values of objects in the json column. PostgreSQL version is 9.5.
Example data
id integer,
data json
INSERT INTO test (id, data) VALUES (1, '{
{ "name":"a_1" },
{ "name":"a_2" },
{ "name":"a_3" }
INSERT INTO test (id, data) VALUES (2, '{
{ "name":"b_1" },
{ "name":"b_2" },
{ "name":"b_3" }
INSERT INTO test (id, data) VALUES (3, '{
{ "name":"c_1" },
{ "name":"c_2" },
{ "name":"c_3" }
Not quite working as intended example
So far I've been able to get the values from the table, unfortunately without the strings being added to one another.
item ->> 'name'
test as row,
json_array_elements(row.data #> '{items}' ) as item;
Which will output:
id | names
1 | a_1
1 | a_2
1 | a_3
2 | b_1
2 | b_2
2 | b_3
3 | c_1
3 | c_2
3 | c_3
Intended output example
How would a query look like that returns this output?
id | names
1 | a_1, a_2, a_3
2 | b_1, b_2, b_3
3 | c_1, c_2, c_3
postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/functions-aggregate.html – jcaron