I have to write a project/3 predicate in prolog that returns true when the third argument is a list containing the Nth arguments of the first list elements. If a term has less than Nth arguments, then it must be ignored. I need to use a default predicate such as functor, arg or univ (=..).
some examples:
?-project([foo(bar, baz), 40 + 2, sin(x), log(16, 2)], 2, [baz, 2, 3]).
?-project([3 * sin(x), 40 + 2, cos(x), 42], 2, L2).
L2 = [sin(x), 2]
The code i wrote:
project([], _, []):- !.
project([X | Xs], N, [Z | Zs]):-arg(N, X, Z), project(Xs, N, Zs).
if i try, for example:
?- project([40 + 2, 30 - 1], 2, X).
X = [2, 1].
The result is good. I don't understand how to add the "If a term has less than Nth arguments, then it must be ignored" part in the code.
ty all