
With minikube i created simple deployment (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#creating-a-deployment) in the kubernetes. I'm sure that container must running , because kubernetes pod was started successfully and I can see container running in the Portainer. But I just can't enter into the container!!

(I always could do it with a simple pod, maybe with deployment something wrong)

$ docker exec -it 01a7c90b4267 /bin/bash
rpc error: code = 2 desc = oci runtime error: exec failed: dial unix /tmp/pty870274210/pty.sock: connect: connection refused

Also I found "Error syncing pod" in the container logs, but the container status is running


2 Answers


bash isn't available in your container. Have you tried with sh?

$ docker exec -ti 01a7c90b4267 sh

Also, if you're attaching to a running container within Kubernetes, you probably want to kubectl exec instead of docker exec:

$ kubectl exec -ti <pod_id> sh

It seems that the problem was caused by mounting to the minikubes' tmp folder minikube mount $TMP:/tmp. Without mounting I can exec the /bin/bash in the containers with no problems