There are two problems here:
Y is Y+1
, does not makes any sense in Prolog; and
- note that you here actually have written a functor.
Prolog sees this as a call:
where is(Y,Y+1)
is not called, but passed as a functor. In Prolog there is no clear input and output. You call predicates and through unification, you obtain results.
We can however solve the problem by using recursion: the convert/2
of 0
is of course 0
and the convert of an s(X)
, is the convert of X
plus one:
convert(s(X),R) :-
R is Y+1.
Or putting these together:
convert(s(X),R) :-
R is Y+1.
Now we can call the predicate to list all Peano numbers and the corresponding number, as well as converting a Peano number into a number. We can also validate if a Peano number is a normal number.
Unfortunately we can not use this predicate to obtain the Peano number from a given number: it will unify with the Peano number, but in a attempt to look for another Peano number, will get stuck into an infinite loop.
We can use the clpfd
library to help us with this:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
convert(s(X),R) :-
R #> 0,
Y #= R-1,