i am trying to install fbsdk in my react native project.I got a lot of errors at the beginning but now I just have this one which I think its more a react-native error than a fbsdk one. This is it:
React packager ready.
Loading dependency graph, done.
Bundling index.android.js
[development, non-minified] 0.0% (0/1), failed.
error: bundling failed: NotFoundError: Cannot find entry file index.android.js in any of the roots: ["C:\Users\carlo\(project folder)"].
I still don't know why it is asking now for 'index.android.js' because on this version of react-native the correct file is index.js
this is my package.json file: "react": "16.0.0-beta.5", "react-native": "0.49.5", "react-native-fbsdk": "^0.6.3"
How can I fix this? By the way, sorry for my english, ...
react-native -v
just to make sure you're on the right version. – Matt AftjsCodeLocation = [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"index" fallbackResource:nil];
. – Matt Aft