I am trying to create a spring cloud microservice by using spring boot framework.
- I created a REST microservice by using spring boot framework.
- I also created an Eureka server as another spring boot project. And I registered microservice to the Eureka server.
- And I created another spring boot project for Zuul. This project also registered to Eureka server.
My Eureka server is running with 2 registered spring boot projects. Eureka server UI is properly working.
Here My confusion is that, am I following standard way of developing spring cloud microservice?
Since all documentations show this type of spring cloud development. And some blog shows spring cloud in another structure. So I am totally confused about whether I am going in proper way of spring cloud microservice development?
I am new to spring cloud. Can anyone clarify if my current architecture (Creating eureka server and microservice registration as client(Zuul also)) is proper???