
I have installed WSO2 identity server 5.3.0 in our system and tried to establish external LDAP connection using steps provided by LABKIT.pdf. I have successfully configured "apache directory studio" on my windows server 20008 R2 Stand. To communicate or authenticate to "Active Directory" using Bind DN and password

Bind DN       : CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=orap,DC=co,DC=in
Bind Password : Psas@2017!!

after configuring necessary settings in a file "user-mgt.xml" for external LDAP settings.Then restarting services "./wso2servr.sh" shows embedded LDAP settings disabled and External LDAP connection successful, but login page of WSO2 can't able to log in using

  1. default admin login
  2. LDAP Username and password.

How to solve this issue in order to communicate our own LDAP server to WSO2 IS?


2 Answers


By looking at your question it seems you haven't added the admin user or pointed an existing admin user for the Identity Server. You can do this via <AddAdmin>true</AddAdmin> and adding a new admin user with new password in the user-mgt.xml. Or else you can point existing user in you LDAP server as an admin user in the <AdminUser> section in the user-mgt.xml


You need to setup your external LDAP connection as a secondary store. What you define in 'user-mgt.xml' becomes your primary store. Your primary store should be a JDBC store in this instance since you're disabling embedded LDAP. If you do it this way, you'll be able to login with your default admin login. Don't forget to disable the admin settings at the top of user-mgt.xml once you start your WSO2 IS for the first time.