
I’m working on an object detector using Cloud Machine Learning Engine via a Cloud-VM instance. Following the tutorial (https://cloud.google.com/blog/big-data/2017/06/training-an-object-detector-using-cloud-machine-learning-engine).

I get a module import error on Google Cloud Platform when I submit the training job below:

gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training `whoami`_object_detection_`date +%s` \
    --job-dir=${YOUR_GCS_BUCKET}/train \
    --packages dist/object_detection-0.1.tar.gz,slim/dist/slim-0.1.tar.gz \
    --module-name object_detection.train \
    --region us-central1 \
    --config object_detection/samples/cloud/cloud.yml \
    -- \
    --train_dir=${YOUR_GCS_BUCKET}/train \

The error is below:

...object_detection/utils/visualization_utils.py", line 24, in <module>
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pyplot

I've installed matplotlib using pip install. This code works fine python2.7 -c 'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'.

Please help.. Thanks in advance.

Others have the same question as you and I want to link to your answer, but I can't until you've answered your own question. Can you copy the answer as a true answer? And then after that, move your new question to it's own question? For that, it will be helpful to see more of your logs.rhaertel80
Absolutely new to these things.. Can u please help me step by step of what you're asking me to do?Krishnendu S. Kar
no problem. It appears you added a new question, which is the right thing to do -- I answered there. You also added the same question as an answer below. Let's go ahead and delete that, since it's not really an answer (there should be a link at the end of the answer to delete). Also, please edit the question itself to remove from "But, even after resolving this" and after. Final two steps: Move the piece about "This issue is resolved" to it's own answer and delete it from the question itself. Make sense?rhaertel80
makes perfect sense :)Krishnendu S. Kar

1 Answers


This issue is resolved by adding package dependencies in the setup.py file.

from setuptools import find_packages
from setuptools import setup

REQUIRED_PACKAGES = ['Pillow>=1.0','matplotlib', ]

    description='My trainer application package.'