I am working with Firestore right now and have a little bit of a problem with pagination.
Basically, I have a collection (assume 10 items) where each item has some data and a timestamp.
Now, I am fetching the first 3 items like this:
.order(by: "timestamp", descending: true)
.limit(to: 3)
Inside my snapshot listener, I save the last document from the snapshot, in order to use that as a starting point for my next page.
So, at some time I will request the next page of items like this:
.order(by: "timestamp", descending: true)
.start(afterDocument: lastDocument)
.limit(to: 3)
.addSnapshotListener(snapshotListener2()) // Note that this is a new snapshot listener, I don't know how I could reuse the first one
Now I have the items from index 0 to index 5 (in total 6) in my frontend. Neat!
If the document at index 4 now updates its timestamp to the newest timestamp of the whole collection, things start to go down.
Remember that the timestamp determines its position on account of the order clause!
What I expected to happen was, that after the changes are applied, I still show 6 items (and still ordered by their timestamps)
What happened was, that after the changes are applied, I have only 5 items remaining, since the item that got pushed out of the first snapshot is not added to the second snapshot automatically.
Am I missing something about Pagination with Firestore?
EDIT: As requested, I post some more code here:
This is my function to return a snapshot listener. Well, and the two methods I use to request the first page and then the second page I posted already above
private func snapshotListener() -> FIRQuerySnapshotBlock {
let index = self.index
return { querySnapshot, error in
guard let snap = querySnapshot, error == nil else {
// Save the last doc, so we can later use pagination to retrieve further chats
if snap.count == self.limit {
self.lastDoc = snap.documents.last
} else {
self.lastDoc = nil
let offset = index * self.limit
snap.documentChanges.forEach() { diff in
switch diff.type {
case .added:
log.debug("added chat at index: \(diff.newIndex), offset: \(offset)")
self.tVHandler.dataManager.insert(item: Chat(dictionary: diff.document.data() as NSDictionary), at: IndexPath(row: Int(diff.newIndex) + offset, section: 0), in: nil)
case .removed:
log.debug("deleted chat at index: \(diff.oldIndex), offset: \(offset)")
self.tVHandler.dataManager.remove(itemAt: IndexPath(row: Int(diff.oldIndex) + offset, section: 0), in: nil)
case .modified:
if diff.oldIndex == diff.newIndex {
log.debug("updated chat at index: \(diff.oldIndex), offset: \(offset)")
self.tVHandler.dataManager.update(item: Chat(dictionary: diff.document.data() as NSDictionary), at: IndexPath(row: Int(diff.oldIndex) + offset, section: 0), in: nil)
} else {
log.debug("moved chat at index: \(diff.oldIndex), offset: \(offset) to index: \(diff.newIndex), offset: \(offset)")
self.tVHandler.dataManager.move(item: Chat(dictionary: diff.document.data() as NSDictionary), from: IndexPath(row: Int(diff.oldIndex) + offset, section: 0), to: IndexPath(row: Int(diff.newIndex) + offset, section: 0), in: nil)
So again, I am asking if I can have one snapshot listener that listens for changes in more than one page I requested from Firestore