
I am trying to get metric data like network in and out bytes, disk read and write speed, etc. On kubernetes dashboard, I am only getting memory and CPU data. I have even installed heapster, influx db and grafana in the kube-system namespace. When I run the command kubectl cluster-info it says, "This site can’t be reached." So, it seems the dashboard is running but not other API's. Is there any other way to fetch this metric data?

I would suggest you check out cAdvisor. It provides resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers in K8s cluster.Suresh Vishnoi
Grammatical correctionsT. Gibbons

2 Answers


As you have installed heapster, influxdb and grafana. Therefore, you can aceess CPU, MEMORY and Storage Resouces by using the following command.

kubectl top pods --all-namespaces.

this command allows you to access resources consumption for pods.

furthermore, if you want to access resources consumptions for nodes.Then, you can shoot this command

kubectl top nodes 

Yes, you can get those data from heapster api.

Just add a new entry to your heapster.yaml file.
Under spec(service) add

type: NodePort 

(actullly you are exposing the heapster API by doing so).

Now your heapster.yaml file portion should look something like this

  type: NodePort
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 8082
    k8s-app: heapster

Now deploy your heapster.yaml again.

Now get services list from your kubernetes cluster using the followng command.

kubectl get services -n kube-system

There you can see the port of heapster something like this:


Now try to access the heapster API with the cluster IP and port.
Something like this:

You should be able to see the metrics now.
Refer https://github.com/kubernetes/heapster/blob/master/docs/model.md for further information.