In the Agda standard library, we have RawMonad
, RawApplicative
, etc..
RawMonad : ∀ {f} → (Set f → Set f) → Set _
RawMonad M = RawIMonad {I = ⊤} (λ _ _ → M)
RawMonadZero : ∀ {f} → (Set f → Set f) → Set _
RawMonadZero M = RawIMonadZero {I = ⊤} (λ _ _ → M)
RawMonadPlus : ∀ {f} → (Set f → Set f) → Set _
RawMonadPlus M = RawIMonadPlus {I = ⊤} (λ _ _ → M)
Why do they start with Raw
? Are there Monad
or Applicative
in Agda?