I'm trying to use Azure service bus in a .net core 2.0 console application. I've installed the NuGet package and can see System.ServiceModel.Web in the SDK dependencies.
However when I try to add:
using System.ServiceModel;
I get an error stating it's not defined.
I found this tutorial online that does exactly the same: https://www.servicebus360.com/blogs/azure-service-bus-with-dot-net-core/
What am I missing
nuget pkg, not the one they tell you to add (Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus
). It also says "addusing Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging
to the top of your program.cs" and then posts the entire code of program.cs and it doesn't contain that line of code at all! I'd say, find another tutorial.. Or exercise some poetic license with the steps/dont follow it too closely – Caius Jard