In Firebase Firestore, I'm trying to allow only (custom-assigned) admins to write/update/delete resources, and for that I've got these security rules:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /resources {
allow read;
allow write, update, delete: if get(/users/$(request.auth.uid).isAdmin);
match /resources/{resource} {
allow read;
allow write, update, delete: if get(/users/$(request.auth.uid).isAdmin);
I'm signing in with the user that is marked as an admin in the users collection:
NfwIQAjfNdS85yDvd5yPVDyMTUj2 is the UID gotten from the Authentication pane:
However, for some reason (UPDATE: reasons identified; see answer), I'm getting PERMISSION_DENIED errors when writing to the resources collection after being absolutely sure I'm signed in with the admin user.
Perhaps it is possible to view request logs from Firestore? Then I could have a look at what request.auth.uid
looks like to match it up with my collections and rules.
do we need to add fieldisAdmin
or not? – kn3l