
I am using 3.11 version of Bot Builder with C#. I have an action button of type ActionTypes.MessageBack with below attributes.

cardActions.Add(new CardAction()
    Type = ActionTypes.MessageBack,
    Title = "Update Est. Close Date",
    Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data),
    Text = "Update Est. Close Date"

When i click on the button, bot echoes back with "Update button" text in Microsoft Teams desktop versoin. But that is not the case for Microsoft Team in iOS. Is this an issue with MessageBack action type in Microsoft Teams? Please help.

If you see below when user clicks on "Update Est. Close Date", i see an echo of the same text from Bot to User, in Microsoft Teams application in PC, but not in iOS. enter image description here


1 Answers


A messageBack button has an additional property that you're not using here - displayText. That is what's echoed back to the user in the chat/channel to let them know that the button was pressed. See here for more information.

I think you've found a small difference in the web/desktop and iOS clients with respect to what happens if the displayText property is not present, but messageBack definitely works on all Teams clients.