if you don't want to make a difference between the documents, you can use one index. you can go trough the stucture of a folder by using filesysteminfo. with filesysteminfo you can check if it is an folder or an document, if it is an document, you index it, if not you call the function again.
Dim filesysteminfo As FileSystemInfo
Dim FSIs As FileSystemInfo() = New DirectoryInfo(yourfolderroot).GetFileSystemInfos
For Each filesysteminfo In FSIs
If TypeOf filesysteminfo Is DirectoryInfo Then
function_create_document(filesysteminfo.FullName, indexwriter, id)
Dim dynamic_doc As New Document()
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New StreamReader(filesysteminfo.FullName)
Dim filename As String = filesysteminfo.Name
if you want to make a difference, you can check if you get the document from the database or from your fileserver.
Just store your information in a field.
use a stringvariable (yourstring) if your document is from the database yout string is "database" else it is "fileserver"
Dim field_typ As Field = New Field("doc_typ", yourstring, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)