I have built a custom control which renders an arraylist of java objects via a repeat control. Via the property definition I can provide which fields from the underlying java object I want to display. In the back-end I read this value e.g. via
This works well with static data, but sometimes I want to format the before rendering e.g. when the field contains a notesname and I only want to display the commonname.
I am wondering how I could set up something like that.
Now I am only passing the field name, which will be picked up by the cc to read the value.
E.g. for the jQuery DataTables plugin you can define a render function for a column and use the data variable of that column within that render function (e.g. build an anchor link or button in that column).
Can I provide something similar for SSJS e.g. I pass the render function as text (or object?) and in the back-end it will be transformed to ssjs.