
I have managed it to write from my arduino (Uno) to my Raspberry Pi 3 via Serial.

If I use the same python script on the pi side, and the same Sketch on arduino side, but using a Teensy instead, I cant read any output from my Arduino.

Is there any difference between thes arduino Uno and the teensy depending on Serial communication?

Arduino sketch:

void setup() {

void loop() {

Python script on my Pi:

import serial
while True:
    print("Waiting for messages from arduino..");

This code works fine for my Arduino Uno, but not for my Teensy. ttyACM0 is correct in both cases.

OS on the Pi is ubuntu mate 16.04. I can see the output of both arduinos in the Arduino IDE.

I tried this with 3 different Teensies, so the hardware should not be the problem.

Any advices?

** ser.isOpen() is true

bytesToRead = ser.inWaiting() print(ser.read(bytesToRead)) makes no difference.

Could there be a difference, because the teensy is connected with the pi with micro usb, and the UNO is connected with an A to B USB?

remove this line: ser.baudrate=115200eyllanesc
execute print(ser.isOpen()) inside the loop.eyllanesc
You can't read data on teensy if haven't an hardware opening procedure Probable missing points : handshake, additional data for open bus. Dump bus data and you will be see python and terminal data different.dsgdfg
Arduino have low speed usb-ser but teensy(3.X) got 6Mb/s(i tested) bus. Some high speed devices required additional data before start a communication.dsgdfg
Don't do this @MoritzSchmidt , unidirectional communication most awful things on communicate with a device. On teensy speed definition Serial.begin(115200); or Serial.begin(0); or Serial.begin(12345678); not important because got 12Mb/s connection if used native port.dsgdfg

1 Answers


Teensy is an ACM device ? YES !

Got additional BULK IN and BULK OUT ENDPOINTS(Interrupt_dev = 0, CDC_dev=1)

ACM device

Your Teensy code is very bad (Why calculate and send data if don't need ?)!

For test program like this :

unsigned long s = 0;
void setup(){
    Serial.begin(0);//Not important !(speed 12Mb/s)

void loop(){
    if(Serial.available() > 0){
    while(Serial.available() > 0){//Buffer memory must always be clean !
        char read = Serial.read();
        delay(1);//wait until next_char
    Serial.print("TEST : ");
    Serial.println(s, DEC);

Python Code :

import thread
import time
#Don't fight with the Kernel, wait some seconds for prepare device

class _CDC :
    def __init__(self):
        self.dev = "/dev/ttyACM0"
        self.query = ""
    def read(self,_passarg):
        with open("/dev/ttyACM0","r") as readBuff:
            while True :
                ans = readBuff.readline()
                if ans:
                    print ans[:-2]#Ignore "\r\n" parts ! 
                #time sleep for save cpu clocks
    def write(self,_passarg):
        with open("/dev/ttyACM0","a") as writeBuff:
            while True :
                if self.query != "" :
                    self.query = ""
                #time sleep for save cpu clocks

CDC = _CDC()

for i in range(30):
    q = "SEND-TEST%02d"%i
    CDC.query = q+((64-len(q))*"\x00")

Can read write (like a file object) if device is ACM. Open device with "r" and "a" mode for reading last-line.