At least for ActiveMQ - this is built in. You have to turn it on in activemq.xml
<policyEntry queue=">" advisoryForConsumed="true"/>
Simply listen the advisory topic for the queue you want to monitor consumed messages for. Then you can extract message id:s and what not to "tick off" outstanding requests.
For a complete end-to-end acknowledgement, I recommend something more custom. I.e. your producer-app should listen to some "response" queue that receives responses about the status of the produced message. I.e. if processing failed - you may want to know why etc..
Anyway, here is some code with a producer that also listens to acknowledgements from ActiveMQ.
public void run() throws Exception {
ActiveMQConnectionFactory cf = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616");
conn = cf.createConnection();
sess = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Destination dest = sess.createQueue("duck");
MessageConsumer mc = sess.createConsumer(AdvisorySupport.getMessageConsumedAdvisoryTopic(dest));
MessageProducer mp = sess.createProducer(sess.createQueue("duck"));
public void onMessage(Message msg) {
try {
String msgId = msg.getStringProperty("orignalMessageId");
System.out.println("Msg: " + msgId + " consumed");
} catch ( Exception e) {