
I have extracted my zip file(project files) to public_html and moved files from public/ folder created by Laravel to public_html and modified index.php to

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php';

But i am getting a 500 Internal server error? Cant it be caused by .htacces?

Because the public folder with index.php should be the webroot. So rename public to public_html and keep the path the same (so the other folders are still on the same lavel as public_htmlonline Thomas
can you print the stacktrace?Tiago_nes
I am on a share hosting, I am not sure if i cant get 'stack trace'Africa Matjie
@ThomasMoors - so if i rename public which is inside public_html to public_html, I am going to end up with public_html/public_html?Africa Matjie
no make public, public_html, so replace it!online Thomas

1 Answers


you shoud copy entire project to public_html and then point your domain to public_html/your_project_folder/public/ folder