I am trying to forward all incoming emails to a SNS topic, in order to process them using a Lambda function. When I send an email to the designated address it triggers the lambda function, which fails. The reason for the failure is that instead of the email body I sent being in the SNS topic, I get this:
You received this message because you attempted to set up Amazon SES to deliver emails to this SNS topic.
Please note that the rule that you configured to deliver emails to this SNS topic is only valid if the entire setup process is successful. For more information about setting up email-receiving rules, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/Welcome.html
It is clearly being triggered by an email arriving so its not a DNS issue. Looking through the documentation this should be only an issue if the SES and Topic are linked to different AWS accounts, which are they are not.
Any Ideas?