Hope someone help me with this problem.
I have a subroutine that will copy my data from this workbook to another existing workbook(Report Workbook).
When I try to run the code, during run-time once it opens the Report Workbook it suddenly stops and I've notice that it goes to design mode. Thus, hindering the execution of the routine.
But when I try to put a break point on the subroutine and continue it again. It executes without problem. This seems a bit odd.
I'm a bit out of the corner trying to figure this out.
So far this are the troubleshooting steps that I've tried.
- Tried to run the Workbook in another machine.
- I have tried deleting all the Workbook_Open on the Report Workbook.
- Tried to delete all the Macro Codes on the Report Workbook.
- Insert an error handler. Unfortunately, no error is presented.
- Tried to delete the DoEvents code on the subroutine.
But still no luck. It stops the code from executing.
Private Sub TransferRawData()
Dim wsPTRawData As Worksheet, wbPTWorkBook As Workbook, wsOutputRaw As Worksheet
Dim filePath As String, FileName As String, ptTargetRow As Long
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.StatusBar = "Exporting All Raw Data... Please wait a moment..."
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
filePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
FileName = filePath & pt_FileName
Set wbPTWorkBook = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=FileName, UpdateLinks:=0, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True)
Set wsPTRawData = wbPTWorkBook.Worksheets(pt_ProdRawSheet)
Set wsOutputRaw = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(merger_prodOutputSheet)
ptTargetRow = wsPTRawData.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
If lastRow(wsOutputRaw, "A") > 1 Then wsOutputRaw.Range("A2:F" & lastRow(wsOutputRaw, "A")).Copy wsPTRawData.Range("A" & ptTargetRow)
wbPTWorkBook.Close True
Set wsOutputRaw = Nothing
Set wsPTRawData = Nothing
Set wbPTWorkBook = Nothing
End Sub
BTW, I have 3 set of workbook that uses the above code. All of them will copy the data on the Report Workbook. But all of them are having trouble in executing the transfer routine.
For additional Information. Once I run the routine and it executes the Workbooks.Open Event. Here is the screenshot of the VBA Project Window and Excel Window.