
I started experimenting with GitHub pages and Jekyll.

You can find my repository here:


And the website you can find here:


I created a post and configured "page" as layout, but the page is not rendered in the Cayman theme that I selected in the GitHub pages settings.

The same goes for a post with layout set to "post".

Is this normal? Do I need to add these templates myself in the _layouts directory?

Kind regards, B.


1 Answers


The Cayman theme does not have a page layout. It only has a default layout.

You have to build the page layout yourself.

The instructions on how to create new layouts & modify the default one are in the repository of the Cayman theme, copied below for simplicity:


If you'd like to change the theme's HTML layout:

  1. Copy the original template from the theme's repository
    (Pro-tip: click "raw" to make copying easier)
  2. Create a file called /_layouts/default.html in your site
  3. Paste the default layout content copied in the first step
  4. Customize the layout as you'd like