I am building an Rshiny dashboard and am working to integrate some of shiny's more interactive features, and am currently working with the renderUI function, which (should, I believe) create additional widgets / input parameters based on the value of another input parameter. I am running into a simple error, but am having difficulty debugging. Below is a demo with the relevant code:
choices = c('All', 'None')
names(choices) = choices
ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme('united'),
# create permanent input for shot chart type (should be 5 options)
selectInput(inputId = 'choice.input', label = 'Select a choice', multiple = FALSE,
choices = choices, selected = 'All'),
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
if(input$choice.input == 'All') {
my.second.input <- c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
names(my.second.input) <- my.second.input
# player parameter for player whose shot chart will be shown
output$secondinput <- renderUI({
selectInput(inputId = 'another.input', label = 'Check this input', multiple = FALSE,
choices = my.second.input, selected = 'a')
shinyApp(ui, server)
I'm not sure what's wrong here - I thought my use of renderUI() in the server function, with the names matching (output$secondinput, uiOutput('secondinput')), was corrent, but this is throwing an error at me...
Note that my full code has several options for choice.input, and I would like to have an if() case in the server for each of the (4-5) choice.input() values. Any help with what's wrong here is appreciated, thanks!
EDIT - to clarify, the select input choice.input, with label 'Select a Choice', should be displaying always. When this input is set to 'All', then I'd like for an additional input, secondinput, to be displayed. If choice.input is not set to 'All', then I don't want the second input to be displayed. Hope this helps.