
Afternoon all!

I am using the results of various drop down lists to hide the relevant rows on a spreadsheet as the value on the drop down list is changed (so automatically).

With some googling, I have come across the below set up which works nicely, although I have now hit a snag when trying to specify drop down list cell from another worksheet.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim disabled As Boolean
    If Range("D2") = "Yes" Then
        disabled = True
    End If

    If disabled Then
        Rows("3:8").EntireRow.Hidden = False
        Rows("3:8").EntireRow.Hidden = True
    End If

End sub

Using the following has not worked, and googling for a solution has lead me up many a dead end:

If Sheets("Topsheet").Range("D27") = "Yes" Then

Am I unable to use values from a neighbouring sheet when declaring a variable due to it being a private sub?

Any help would be much appreciated as I have been stumped on this for a couple of hours!


1 Answers


Your code can be massively simplified. Try using this (You'll have to update the sheet name if it's not the same as yours)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Sheets("SheetWithRowsToBeHidden").Rows("3:8").EntireRow.Hidden = IIf(Me.Range("D27").Value2 = "Yes", True, False)
End Sub

Also, where have you put this code? Have you put it inside a Module or is it in the Sheet Object? It needs to be in the Sheet Object that has the dropdowns on.