
We have an API endpoint we are building through API Gateway that can have two possible successful responses: 200 OK if all of the requested data is returned, and a 206 Partial Content if the data is paginated and additional requests are required to fetch all the data.

I found at https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/amazon-api-gateway-mapping-improvements/ that Amazon now allows multiple 2XX responses to be defined, but I cannot attribute both responses to a success in the Integration Response configuration. Right now we have 200 set as the default, but it appears as if we have to specify a Lambda Error Regex for the 206 mapping.

Does this basically mean that I have to fail the 206 with an error message and then use the regex to determine if that message is being sent, and then basically just treat it like a success? Or how can I properly return either a 200 or a 206 as a successful response?

The endpoint that AWS will hit on our server will properly return a 200 or a 206, but when AWS responds to the client it is currently only sending a 200.

This seems like a misuse of 206 Partial Content. HTTP status 206 is for responses to Range requests. tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233#page-10Michael - sqlbot
206 aside, I find it way easier to avoid using the legacy API gateway integration and just do Lambda-Proxy. That way you avoid all this awful mapping stuff and you can use regular HTTP libraries to manage the request-response lifecycle. Shameless plug: github.com/dougmoscrop/serverless-httpDoug Moscrop

2 Answers


Does this basically mean that I have to fail the 206 with an error message and then use the regex to determine if that message is being sent, and then basically just treat it like a success?

Yes, that is correct. Quirky, wrong, but it works.


The API gateway doesnt provide sending multiple success 2xx response. Below are some options

  1. Make your lambda or backend application fail and return some json response. Create a regex in integration response and map the response to a particular error code. The matching of regex is done on errorMessage field which can be only get once you throw error from lambda.

  2. Utilise reponse overriding. You can create a default mapping which matches all or some responses and then in the mapping template you can override the status code to whatever you want to send back.

Lambda returns

def handler(event, context):
   x = {
     "message": "partial"
   return x

API gateway integration response

Lambda error regex: -
Method response status: 200
Default mapping: Yes

Mapping template:

#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
    #set($context.responseOverride.status = 206)