
I am running windows 8 IIS 8.5. The following two lines of code generate a error response. I would like to note that the code works just fine when ran as a .vbs script locally. The only thing i had to remove was the Server. and just do a CreateObject which i also tried via Classic ASP/IIS to no avail.


Set oXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: ''

What line does the error occur on? I doubt it is one of those lines.user692942
Those 2 lines are the only lines. I removed everything else to see what was causing the error. Again if i save this exactly as a .vbs file it works and i can actually get a web page with the additional code. From the very dated tidbits i read this issue may/may not be related to some permissions somewhere that IIS has to the path/folder of the Msxml DLL file but i have tried granting excessive privileges to all the paths i can find to no avail.Tim Wiley
A downvote for a question that is littered all over the internet without many solutions?? Seriously?? Stack is just becoming too pompous for me.Tim Wiley
Resolved - came down to going thru all the DLL's and making sure they were register and IIS had permission to the folders/files as well as permission to read the class registry entries. Look closer next time @LankymartTim Wiley
Sorry but you need to write a better question next time. Would have been better if you had posted more code rather then these two lines and that isn’t the usual error you get with failure to create COM references in VBScript. Permissions is always a go to but then there is architecture as well, is this running 32 bit versus 64 bit etc. The detail just isn’t there, so what you consider pompous I consider inability to coherently put a problem across.user692942

1 Answers


I'm not exactly which one of these steps resolved the issue as i did not pause between each one but one of them resolved it. FYI i was convinced that because those two lines worked just fine in .vbs script that it had to be something btw IIS and permissions to registry/files/folders related to the DLL involved.

Step 1. Searched the registry for the Object name. In this case "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0"

Step 2. For all registry entries i took ownership of the parent registry folders so i could give read access to IIS user account(s).

Step 3. Using the physical file paths for the the DLL found when executing step #1. I went and made sure the files/folders had read/execute permission for the IIS user account(s).

Step 4. Registered the DLL at the command line for good measure.

Step 5. Rebooted because restarting IIS didn't seem to do it.
* After reboot problem resolved and i was able to continue to add code and use the object effectively*