I´ve got a problem with JavaFX.
What I try to do is quite simple: 1. The user fill in two TextField with the given name and surename. 2. By cliking at a Button "add person" an Objekt of class "Person" will be added to an arraylist containing the name of the person. At the same time there will be a VBox-Object which adds a anonymus label-Object with the name of the person.
The problem: Now I would like to click on the anonymus label in the VBox and receive back the Person-Object.
Here is the method to add a Person
btnAddContact.setOnAction(e -> {
if (!"".equals(tfVorname.getText().toString())
&& !"".equals(tfNachname.getText().toString())) {
contactList.addContact(new Contact(tfVorname, tfNachname));
The refreshContactList-method adds the new anonymus Label into the ContactList (an ArrayList) and displays the name in the label:
private VBox refreshContactList() {
if (contactList.getContactList().size()>0) {
vbContacts.getChildren().add(new Label(contactList.getContactList().get(contactList.getContactList().size()-1).getVorname() + " " + contactList.getContactList().get(contactList.getContactList().size()-1).getNachname()));
return vbContacts;
I tried to program a vbContacts.setOnMouseClicked... but the only object I could receive was the VBox.
Any ideas how to get access to the labes?
. – James_D