I need to display the "on Offer" indicator next to the product in the gridview if the product has a number "1" in the "Offered" column in the database. if it is zero, then don't display. is there some way to achieve that? thanks.
In my product listing page: Dim objCat As New Category Dim objProduct As New Product Dim i As Integer Dim boolError As Boolean = False
objCat.ID = CType(Request.QueryString("CatID"), Integer)
' get details of the category
' Display the category name
lblCatName.Text = objCat.Name
lblCatName2.Text = objCat.Name
' Display the category description
lblCatDesc.Text = objCat.Description
For i = 0 To gvProduct.Rows.Count - 1
' Get the ProductId from the first cell
objProduct.ID = gvProduct.Rows(i).Cells(0).Text
Dim lblOffer As Label
lblOffer = CType(gvProduct.Rows(i).FindControl("lblOffer"), Label)
If objCat.Offered = "1" Then
lblOffer.Visible = True
lblOffer.Visible = False
End If
gvProduct.DataSource = objCat.GetProducts()
in my category class: Public Sub GetOfferedProducts()
' Define a conection to database
' Read connection string from the web.config file.
Dim strConn As String
strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("AppDb").ToString
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(strConn)
' Retrieve details of a given Category ID from the database
Dim strSql As String
strSql = "SELECT * FROM CatProduct cp INNER JOIN Product p " & _
"ON cp.ProductID=p.ProductID INNER JOIN Category c ON cp.CategoryID=c.CategoryID " & _
"WHERE cp.CategoryID=@CategoryID"
' Define an Command object to execute the SQL statement
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSql, conn)
' Add parameter to the SQL command
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryID", ID)
' Define a data adapter to fetch data
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
' Define a data set to hold the data fetched
Dim ds As New DataSet
' Open database connection
da.Fill(ds, "CatProduct")
' Close the database connection
If ds.Tables("CatProduct").Rows.Count <> 0 Then
Name = ds.Tables("CatProduct").Rows(0)("CatName")
Description = ds.Tables("CatProduct").Rows(0)("CatDesc")
ImageFile = ds.Tables("CatProduct").Rows(0)("CatImage")
Offered = CType(ds.Tables("CatProduct").Rows(0)("Offered"), Integer)
End If