I have a working query below but I need to select first and last names for these agents in my select statement, without any real value to join the table on.
My other table is ambition.ambition_users and it has first_name, last_name and extension. I have the subqueries pulling the extensions correctly and treating it as id
. However, in my main select, I want to also select first_name and last_name. I can't seem to find a way to do this with a simple subquery and I don't have anything to join the table on UNLESS I'm able to join my created id
on ambition_users.extention.
What's the best way to achieve pulling first and last name without affecting the aggregations of the current query?
Here's the working query:
when callingpartyno in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users)
then callingpartyno
when finallycalledpartyno in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users)
then finallycalledpartyno
end as id
-- this is where i want to select first_name and last_name from ambition.ambition_users
, sum(duration) as total_talk_time_seconds
, round(sum(duration) / 60,2) as total_talk_time_minutes
, sum(if(legtype1 = 1,1,0)) as total_outbound
, sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 1) as total_inbound
, sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 0) as total_missed
, sum(if(legtype1 = 1, 1, 0)) + -- outbound calls
sum(if(legtype1 = 2, 1, 0)) as total_calls
, now() as time_of_report
, curdate() as date_of_report
ambition.session a
join ambition.callsummary b
on a.notablecallid = b.notablecallid
date(a.ts) >= curdate()
and (
callingpartyno in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users
or finallycalledpartyno in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users
group by
select from mytable
? – kabanus