
I have a working query below but I need to select first and last names for these agents in my select statement, without any real value to join the table on.

My other table is ambition.ambition_users and it has first_name, last_name and extension. I have the subqueries pulling the extensions correctly and treating it as id. However, in my main select, I want to also select first_name and last_name. I can't seem to find a way to do this with a simple subquery and I don't have anything to join the table on UNLESS I'm able to join my created id on ambition_users.extention.

What's the best way to achieve pulling first and last name without affecting the aggregations of the current query?

Here's the working query:

when callingpartyno       in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users)
then callingpartyno
when finallycalledpartyno in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users)
then finallycalledpartyno
 end as id

-- this is where i want to select first_name and last_name from ambition.ambition_users

, sum(duration) as total_talk_time_seconds
, round(sum(duration) / 60,2) as total_talk_time_minutes
, sum(if(legtype1 = 1,1,0)) as total_outbound
, sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 1) as total_inbound
, sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 0) as total_missed
, sum(if(legtype1 = 1, 1, 0)) +                   -- outbound calls
 sum(if(legtype1 = 2, 1, 0))  as total_calls
, now() as time_of_report
, curdate() as date_of_report
  ambition.session a
  join ambition.callsummary b
  on a.notablecallid = b.notablecallid
date(a.ts) >= curdate()
 and (
callingpartyno in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users
 or  finallycalledpartyno in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users
 group by
You don't want to select from mytable?kabanus
Well I'm selecting from the main table and joining another because they contain the call info that aggregates the numbers, and that's all working properly. However, I just want to select the names for the agents based on their extensionsGeoff_S
Knowing your previous questions I would rewrite your CASE expression and use it for a join.Paul Spiegel

3 Answers


Why you need so many subqueries. You can use a left join and take out all other subqueries.

    COALESCE( callingpartyno, finallycalledpartyno) as id
    -- if extension is not equal to callingpartyno, it will return null because its a left join. If you use coalesce you can get the first non null value.

    , max(c.firstname)
    , max(c.lastname)
    -- if you use max you need not put that in group by clause

    , sum(duration) as total_talk_time_seconds
    , round(sum(duration) / 60,2) as total_talk_time_minutes
    , sum(if(legtype1 = 1,1,0)) as total_outbound
    , sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 1) as total_inbound
    , sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 0) as total_missed
    , sum(if(legtype1 = 1, 1, 0)) +                   -- outbound calls
     sum(if(legtype1 = 2, 1, 0))  as total_calls
    , now() as time_of_report
    , curdate() as date_of_report
      ambition.session a
      join ambition.callsummary b
      on a.notablecallid = b.notablecallid
---- adding a left join
    left join 
     ambition.users c
    on c.extension = callingpartyno or c.extension = finallycalledpartyno
    date(a.ts) >= curdate()
     group by id;

I didn't get relationship among your tables, but you can use below logic to get first and last name with subqueries within the select statement

    when callingpartyno       in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users)
    then callingpartyno
    when finallycalledpartyno in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users)
    then finallycalledpartyno
     end as id

    -- this is where i want to select first_name and last_name from ambition.ambition_users

Max((select firstname from ambition.ambition_users as t1 where t1. Extension=b.callingpartyno)),
Max((select lastname from ambition.ambition_users as t1 where t1. Extension=b.callingpartyno)),

    , sum(duration) as total_talk_time_seconds
    , round(sum(duration) / 60,2) as total_talk_time_minutes
    , sum(if(legtype1 = 1,1,0)) as total_outbound
    , sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 1) as total_inbound
    , sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 0) as total_missed
    , sum(if(legtype1 = 1, 1, 0)) +                   -- outbound calls
     sum(if(legtype1 = 2, 1, 0))  as total_calls
    , now() as time_of_report
    , curdate() as date_of_report
      ambition.session a
      join ambition.callsummary b
      on a.notablecallid = b.notablecallid
    date(a.ts) >= curdate()
     and (
    callingpartyno in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users
     or  finallycalledpartyno in (select extension from ambition.ambition_users
     group by

Instead of using same subquery again & again, i'll advise you to store the result of subquery in a variable.

Also you can write different queries for callingpartyno and finallycalledpartyno and later merged results with UNION as follows:

select @ext := Group_concat(distinct extension separator ',') from ambition.ambition_users;

select tmp.*,
(select firstn from ambition.ambition_users where tmp.id = extension) as First_Name,
(select lastn from ambition.ambition_users where tmp.id = extension) as Last_Name
 callingpartyno as id
, sum(duration) as total_talk_time_seconds
, round(sum(duration) / 60,2) as total_talk_time_minutes
, sum(if(legtype1 = 1,1,0)) as total_outbound
, sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 1) as total_inbound
, sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 0) as total_missed
, sum(if(legtype1 = 1, 1, 0)) +                   -- outbound calls
 sum(if(legtype1 = 2, 1, 0))  as total_calls
, now() as time_of_report
, curdate() as date_of_report
  ambition.session a
  join ambition.callsummary b
  on a.notablecallid = b.notablecallid
date(a.ts) >= curdate()
callingpartyno in (@ext)
group by callingpartyno)


 finallycalledpartyno  as id
, sum(duration) as total_talk_time_seconds
, round(sum(duration) / 60,2) as total_talk_time_minutes
, sum(if(legtype1 = 1,1,0)) as total_outbound
, sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 1) as total_inbound
, sum(if(legtype1 = 2,1,0) and answered = 0) as total_missed
, sum(if(legtype1 = 1, 1, 0)) +                   -- outbound calls
 sum(if(legtype1 = 2, 1, 0))  as total_calls
, now() as time_of_report
, curdate() as date_of_report
  ambition.session a
  join ambition.callsummary b
  on a.notablecallid = b.notablecallid
date(a.ts) >= curdate()
finallycalledpartyno  in (@ext)
group by finallycalledpartyno) 
) tmp;