
Here is my code:

$("#product1 :checkbox").click(function(){
        .closest('tr') // Find the parent row.
            .find(":input[type='text']") // Find text elements in that row.
                .attr('disabled',false).toggleClass('disabled') // Enable them.
                .end() // Go back to the row.
            .siblings() // Get its siblings
                .find(":input[type='text']") // Find text elements in those rows.
                .attr('disabled',true).removeClass('disabled'); // Disable them.

How do I toggle .attr('disabled',false);?

I can't seem to find it on Google.

Any reason why you can't use the disabled property of the field? $("input").get(0).disabled = isFalse; // jsfiddle.net/uAfhjShanimal
I found the DependsOn plugin which you might find usefulOnshop

6 Answers

$('#el').prop('disabled', function(i, v) { return !v; });

The .prop() method accepts two arguments:

  • Property name (disabled, checked, selected) anything that is either true or false
  • Property value, can be:
    • (empty) - returns the current value.
    • boolean (true/false) - sets the property value.
    • function - Is executed for each found element, the returned value is used to set the property. There are two arguments passed; the first argument is the index (0, 1, 2, increases for each found element). The second argument is the current value of the element (true/false).

So in this case, I used a function that supplied me the index (i) and the current value (v), then I returned the opposite of the current value, so the property state is reversed.


I guess to get full browser comparability disabled should set by the value disabled or get removed!
Here is a small plugin that I've just made:

(function($) {
    $.fn.toggleDisabled = function() {
        return this.each(function() {
            var $this = $(this);
            if ($this.attr('disabled')) $this.removeAttr('disabled');
            else $this.attr('disabled', 'disabled');

Example link.

EDIT: updated the example link/code to maintaining chainability!
Based on @lonesomeday comment, here's an enhanced version:

(function($) {
    $.fn.toggleDisabled = function(){
        return this.each(function(){
            this.disabled = !this.disabled;

        $('#submit').attr('disabled', !$(this).attr('checked'));


Another simple option that updates on a click of the checkbox.


<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox/>
<input disabled type="submit" id="item"/>


$('#checkbox').click(function() {
    if (this.checked) {
        $('#item').prop('disabled', false); // If checked enable item       
    } else {
        $('#item').prop('disabled', true); // If checked disable item                   

In action: link


Quite a while later, and thanks to @arne, I created this similar small function to handle where the input should be disabled AND hidden, or enabled AND shown:

function toggleInputState(el, on) {
  // 'on' = true(visible) or false(hidden)
  // If a field is to be shown, enable it; if hidden, disable it.
  // Disabling will prevent the field's value from being submitted
  $(el).prop('disabled', !on).toggle(on);

Then a jQuery object (such as $('input[name="something"]') ) is simply switched using:

toggleInputState(myElement, myBoolean)

This is fairly simple with the callback syntax of attr:

$("#product1 :checkbox").click(function(){
   .closest('tr') // find the parent row
       .find(":input[type='text']") // find text elements in that row
           .attr('disabled',function(idx, oldAttr) {
               return !oldAttr; // invert disabled value
           .toggleClass('disabled') // enable them
       .end() // go back to the row
       .siblings() // get its siblings
           .find(":input[type='text']") // find text elements in those rows
               .attr('disabled',function(idx, oldAttr) {
                   return !oldAttr; // invert disabled value
               .removeClass('disabled'); // disable them