I am using hockey application to distribute mobile application.
I need to see their additional properties and it say I need to link with azure application insights. I have already done that. Inside there, I also saw my custom event with properties. Problem is that I don't know how to query all my custom event with their payload. How can I write script? One of my event name is called "VIEW_MEDIA".
I have used this query command to get report for VIEW_MEDIA but it doesn't give me their properties.
customEvents | where name startswith "VIEW_MEDIA" | summarize count() by name | render piechart
customEvents | project customDimension
tell? – Peter BonscustomEvents | where name starswith "VIEW_MEDIA" | project customDimensions, customMeasurements | limit 10
, which will filter your data down, get only custom properties and metrics, and limit to just 10 rows. then you can expand those fields (json) and figure out what else you might need from inside those fields. – John Gardner