
I am using the Spring Cloud Dataflow local server/deployer and upgrading from 1.1.4 to 1.2.3. I've found my stream configs such as value.deserializer are not being passed into the sink process correctly. I have tried both:



Neither are working. There seem to be some significant changes with the local deployer. The entire argument list from both common configs and stream configs are visible from the process level now (e.g. using ps). However the stream configs not actually working. Configs work fine when running the Spring Cloud stream app locally.

Any idea what is happening or how I can troubleshoot this? Since Dataflow server is deploying the app it is difficult to debug.


1 Answers


What you've listed above aren't SCDF or Deployer specific overrides. They are Spring Cloud Stream properties, and from your description, it is unclear how you're passing it to the apps from SCDF.

Once after the applications are deployed (via SCDF), you can access the /env or /configprops endpoints to verify whether those overrides are applied. If they aren't applied, you can start with the application and its dependencies - compare it with the old stack. Hopefully, that will provide some insights.

If it is still unclear, you can share a sample that reproduces the problem.