Some customers of ours are using external Microsoft accounts to access AAD services. Since we're not linked with their domain, and some of them use Gmail account, adding their entire domain to our AAD is hardly possible.
The old portal ( had the following screen:
The new portal has a guest system which hardly works (adding an external guest results in a generic B2BError: Unable to invite user
with no other details -- even if the old portal still works), and "New user" can only create users with registered domains.
Is there a way, in the new portal (, to add Microsoft accounts?
I'm asking this now, since this is technically a duplicate of How do I add a Microsoft account to Azure Active Directory?, because the old portal is sunsetting on November 30, 2017, at which point working like this will no longer be possible.
then use this command to invite guest userNew-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserEmailAddress -SendInvitationMessage $True -InviteRedirectUrl ""
– Jason Ye