
thanks in advance for the help.

I'm making a Gantt chart in Excel and am trying to integrate the capability to highlight the work week (WW). The idea is that one can select the WW from a drop down menu and the corresponding columns in the chart are highlighted. I am struggling with the conditional formatting formula to highlight the desired dates.

Here's a screen shot of how the chart is set up

I am able to highlight the column of the cell containing the WW value (e.g. in picture column I is highlighted as it contains "WW42" in cell I3. I would like to be able to highlight the days from Sunday to Saturday of each WW.

Most formulas (that I know) work on the value of the cells rather than their location or index. I have tried simply filling in all the blank cells with the WW value and then hiding the value, but the formatting isn't aesthetically pleasing and it's not efficient.

I have also tried merging the WW cells, but am unable to select all columns of the length of the merged cell, just the first column associated. For example, if I merged I3 to O3, conditional formatting will highlight that merged cell and only column I.

Any suggestions on how to approach this is greatly appreciated!


2 Answers


Screenshot of my structure, showing conditional formating working as required Attached is a screenshot of my structure with my conditional formating working as required. You'll need to adjust acording to your structure, but I used a formula-based conditional formating, with the rule:

=COUNTA($B$2:B$2)=$A$1 //Where A1 contains the workweek I want to highlight

Entered into cells $B$3:$V$6. Of course, in your case you'd have to change it to something like:


Since your work weeks start at 42 and you have 3 extra headings you dont want added on your sum (ACTUAL START, ACTUAL DURATION and PERCENT COMPLETE). Also the header for the work week has to be a numeric value, but you can play around this to get what you need. Let me know if you'd need further help.


You do not need to use the third row for your conditional formatting, if row 4 has legal excel dates. The WEEKNUM() formula gives you exactly what you need.

If your Dropdown Menu is in cell B2 and consists of numbers from 1-52 then this should work for your conditional formatting:


See attached photo.enter image description here