
I'm trying to use map:get($context,"collections") parameter in my MLCP transform function (input parameters described in MLCP Guide here). I want to use the collection specified in the -output_collections parameter so that I can insert it into my insert-update() function.

The doc loads to the database & mlcp output doesn't indicate an error, but when I look in the Query Console it shows (no collections) instead of COLLTEST. The transform also works correctly when I hardcode the collection (which I don't want to do). Am I using the map keys incorrectly?


xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace tx = "http://transform-test";
import module namespace dls = 'http://marklogic.com/xdmp/dls' at '/MarkLogic/dls.xqy';

(:Function to Add document to DLS Library Services:)
declare function tx:insert-update($filename,$doc,$coll) {
let $i := dls:document-is-managed($filename) 
 if ($i = fn:false()) then     
(xdmp:permission('rest-reader', 'read'), xdmp:permission('rest-writer', 'insert')),($coll))
    if ($i = fn:true()) then
      (xdmp:permission('rest-reader', 'read'), xdmp:permission('rest-writer', 'insert')),

declare function tx:transform(
 $content as map:map,
 $context as map:map
) as map:map* {

let $docnode := map:get($content, "value")
let $collections := map:get($context, "collections")
if (fn:empty($docnode/element()))
    then $content
        let $root := $docnode/*
        let $_:= 
            map:put($content, "value",
            document {$root/preceding-sibling::node(), 
            element {fn:name($root)} {
            element { xs:QName("metadata")} {
                    namespace {"docprop"} {"http://mynamespace"},
            } )          
   return (map:put($content,"uri", 
    tx:insert-update(map:get($content, "uri"),map:get($content,"value"),
    map:get($context, "collections"))

mlcp command:

mlcp.sh IMPORT -mode local \
-host localhost \
-port 8007 \
-username admin -password **** \
-input_file_path /MLCP-testdocs/testdocname.xml \
-output_uri_replace "/MLCP-testdocs,''" \
-output_uri_prefix /content/docs \
-output_uri_suffix .xml \
-output_collections COLLTEST \
-output_permissions rest-reader,read,rest-writer,insert \
-database top-songs \
-xml_repair_level full \
-transform_module /mlcp-context-transform-test.xqy \
-transform_namespace "http://transform-test" \
-document_type xml

I've also tried map:get($context,"output_collections"). The only $context parameter that ever works for me is "transform_param". I'm using mlcp if that helps.

Looks like a correct approach to me. Can you try latest version of MLCP? You can use MLCP 9 against MarkLogic 8 and below..grtjn
@grtjn I tried using MLCP 9 and it still didn't work. I took a look at the hadoop.xqy module at /MarkLogic/hadoop.xqy and I noticed that $collections was not included in the $context map. So I tried adding let $dummy := map:put($context, "collections", fn:tokenize($collections, ',')[. ne '']) to hadoop.xqy and it's been working, but I'm not sure if it's the right approach or if it's ok to be editing this module.finchmontana
What version of MakLogic do you have? Maybe try upgrading to latest patch release of your version..grtjn

1 Answers


mlcp 8.0-6.3 does not allow a user to access/modify the document collection inside a transform.


The fix has a dependency on the server. So when you use mlcp 9.0-x to do this, you still need to connect to a server that's 8.0-6.4 or above.

The work-around on 8.0-6.3 is to perform the document insert inside your transform function and return empty sequence from the transform function.