I have a single board computer running Windows CE 5.0 that's connected to a desktop via serial. I'm updating the desktop from Windows 2000 to Windows 7 and as a result need to update from ActiveSync to Windows Mobile Device Center. With WMDC, I am no longer able to make a partnership with the device or connect.
My question is - are there any known changes to how repllog.exe (device side) interacts with WMDC vs ActiveSync (host side)?
Maybe a better question - will WMDC even work with with Windows CE 5.0? The system requirements listed here don't show CE 5.0 as supported.
Nothing else in the setup has changed and the only thing I can guess is that the single board computer is no longer 'answering' or handling the connect event properly.
I don't have access to the build tools for creating the WinCE 5.0 image unfortunately, so I'm not sure if I can easily update to WMDC on the device side.
Also, the current registry values:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services]