
I have an Azure function app that has been working completely fine over the past few weeks but the SSL binding on the Custom domain has stopped working. The SSL is not expired or anything like that.

The error response is:

Not found because of proxy error: Error: Hostname/IP doesn't match certificate's altnames: "Host: api.mydomain.com. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:*.azurewebsites.net, DNS:*.scm.azurewebsites.net, DNS:*.azure-mobile.net, DNS:*.scm.azure-mobile.net”

The portal shows the binding correctly under the Azure Functions settings. Also this is an Azure Function on consumption plan.

I have initialized a support but no luck resolving this.

Hi Jonathan, can you let us know the name of your functionapp as per instructions here: github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/…RuslanY
It is an azure function app and here is the log info to find it: 2017-10-25T18:07:42.916 Function started (Id=f974616c-f889-4101-865c-f61e94796e46)Jonathan
I think I am just going to have to remove it as a consumption plan and readd it as an app serviceJonathan

1 Answers


After lots of work with the support team and some of the internal team members I was able to track down the issue. The issue all turned out to be related to it being a Consumption Plan. If you are using the consumption plan, the custom domains with SSL do not work at this time.

Apparently this is coming in the future.