
We are using Google Cloud SQL for our project but facing some administrative issues around it .

In our cloud DB We have two users like :

root% (any host) root182.68.122.202

Now we need "SUPER" user access on these two users to perform some admin tasks like modifying the variable 'max_allowed_packet' to higher limit and other related stuff to optimize our functioning .

Like I want to execute one of the command :

SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=32*1024*1024;

But I couldn't find a way from the Google Cloud Console or from the MYSQL itself to get it done as I am getting an error prompting:

"SQL Error (1227) : Access denied ; you need (atleast one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation."

I have even tried a hack to do the direct changes in the "mysql.user" table (making YES to the SUPER privilege) but all futile .

Can you please let me know how can I perform this tasks on my DB ? What is the way to grant these Super Access to the desired users .

You can change global flags via the console: cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/flagsVadim

3 Answers


According to Google’s Cloud SQL documentation, the root user has all privileges but SUPER and FILE. It’s a characteristic of the Google Cloud SQL.

But rest assured! You have three other ways of easily changing that global "group by" variable that has been slowing your progress. There’s a neat explanation on this Configuring database flags this will guide.

I hope this helps others!!!


Google Cloud SQL does not support SUPER privileges, which means that GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES statements will not work. As an alternative, you can use GRANT ALL ON %.*.


You can edit your running instance.

From the left menu in the SQL section :

  1. view your instance detail by clicking on the concerned line
  2. click on the "Edit button", in the configuration block, edit the "add database flags" add a new item by choosing in the defined list
  3. Don't forget to save your new flag by hitting the "save" button