
I have a mailchimp email that contains quite a few images however do not load automatically in the outlook inbox.

I was wondering if there was a way of automatically loading the images to the email recipients that use outlook.

So far I have investigated that recipients could change their settings by altering the trust center settings as shown here. But as the only comment on that article states that there are problems with Mailchimp.

I have also come across a similar problem. However, not sure where to find my images Cid or not even sure whether this is a viable option.

Below is an image of the problem.

enter image description here

Edit (27/10/17):

The mailchimp images look like this: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/608ee8ffcd21cef122eb0e6d9/images/765fb2c2-7075-4964-b831-ba5a6d0bc7cd.png

The img is written like this:

<img align="center" alt="" src="https://gallery.mailchimp.com/608ee8ffcd21cef122eb0e6d9/images/765fb2c2-7075-4964-b831-ba5a6d0bc7cd.png" width="564" style="max-width: 1000px;padding-bottom: 0;display: inline !important;vertical-align: bottom;border: 0;outline: none;text-decoration: none;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;" class="mcnImage">
Realistically you cannot force someone to download images if they don't want to. That is why we usually don't use too many images in email design.scoopzilla
Can you show your code? are you using absolute image paths?scoopzilla
Looking at the code it's using the mail chimp gallery, so something similar to this: gallery.mailchimp.com/608ee8ffcd21cef1eb310e6d9/images/…hello world
"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it"scoopzilla
I changed it a bit to protect sensitive data however the format of the image url is the same. and it would usually just show an image on a blank pagehello world

2 Answers


We've added domain authentication and verification and it hasn't resolved the issue; anyone using Outlook has to 'Mark as Safe' EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Interestingly we receive emails from a rival using Oracle/Bronto email software and this doesn't occur.

Problem is MailChimp is great apart from this one annoying issue.


We're having the same issue. I was under the impression that this can be resolved by authentication.


I'm hoping we can convince the guys who manage to DNS server to add this.