The system on which my Kafka server is running has two NICs, one with a public IP ( and the other with a private one ( The private NIC is connected to a subnet composed of 7 machines in total (all with addresses Kafka has been installed as a service using HDP and has been configured with zookeeper.connect= and listeners=PLAINTEXT:// I have started a consumer on the system that hosts the kafka server using: [bin/ --bootstrap-server --topic test --from-beginning].
When I start producers (using [bin/ --broker-list --topic test]) on any of the machines on the private subnet the messages are received normally by the consumer.
I would like to start producers on public systems and receive the messages by the consumer running on the kafka server. I believed that this could be achieved by IP masquerading and by forwarding all external requests to (I have chosen 15501 to receive kafka messages) to To that extend I setup this port forwarding rule on firewalld: [port=15501:proto=tcp:toport=6670:toaddr=].
However, this doesn’t seem to work since when I start a producer on an external system with [bin/ --broker-list --topic] the messages cannot be received by the consumer.
I have tried different kafka config settings for listeners and advertised.listeners but none of them worked. Any help will be greatly appreciated.