
Is there any way to start an AWS Database Migration Service full-load-and-cdc replication task through Terraform? Preferably, this would start automatically upon creation of the task.

The AWS DMS console provides an option to "Start task on create", and the AWS CLI provides a start-replication-task command, but I'm not seeing similar options in the Terraform resources. The aws_dms_replication_task provides the cdc_start_time argument, but I think this may apply only to cdc tasks. I've tried setting this argument to a number of past/current/future timestamps with my full-load-and-cdc replication task, but the task never started (it was merely created and entered the ready state).

I'd be glad to log a feature request to Terraform if this feature is not supported, but wanted to check with the community first to see if I was overlooking an existing way to do this today.

(Note: This question has also been logged to the Terraform Google group.)


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