I am trying to install IBM MobileFirst Studio. I have downloaded the latest eclipse version (oxygen) for Java EE Developers. Now when I go to "Eclipse Marketplace" and enter "MobileFirst" in search, it does not find the plugin and in the download section of MobileFirst Platform Foundation (https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/downloads/), I can only find the version (under past releases). Nowhere I can find the 8.0 version.
1 Answers
In MobileFirst v8.0 you no longer use Eclipse based MobileFirst Studio to create "projects" to create Hybrid apps, rather you use the Cordova CLI to create a Cordova app, and also use the Cordova CLI to add the MobileFirst SDK (plug-in) to the Cordova app.
Check Here: Unable to launch IBM MobileFirst foundation studio 8.0 in eclipse