I'm new to ArangoDB, having trouble optimizing my queries and am hoping for some help.
The query I've provided below is a real example that I'm struggling with, 758.078 ms on my dev database but on staging, with a much larger dataset, it takes 531.511 s.
I'll also provide the size of each of the edge tables I'm traversing in dev and staging. Any help is really appreciated.
for doc in document
filter repo._key == "my-key"
for v, e, p in 3 any doc edge1, edge2, edge3
options {uniqueVertices: 'global', bfs: true}
filter DATE_ISO8601(p.vertices[2].date) > DATE_ISO8601("2017-09-04T00:00:01Z")
and DATE_ISO8601(p.vertices[2].date) < DATE_ISO8601("2017-09-15T23:59:59Z")
limit 1
return {
commit: p.vertices[2].hash,
date: p.vertices[2].date,
message: p.vertices[2].message,
author: p.vertices[1].email,
loc: p.vertices[3].stats.additions
- edge1: 2,638
- edge2: 2,560
- edge3: 386
- edge1: 5,438,811
- edge2: 5,544,028
- edge3: 423,545