
How do I add an application from the AAD Gallery programmatically and configure it? I checked AAD Powershell commands but I could not find out how to use it to provision a pre-integrated applications from the Azure AD gallery. There is the New-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName "NewApplication" -HomePage "http://www.microsoft.com" -IdentifierUris "http://NewApplication" for example but not an Add-AzureRmADApplication or similar. The application I need is already available under the "Developer Services" category in the AAD Applications Gallery and all I need is to add it and configure its Single-sign on and Provisioning attributes. Is that even possible or do I have to create a new app? Even if I created a new application how do I configure it past the just adding the HomePage and IdentifierUris parameters which is all I can do using the New-AzureRmADApplication cmndlt?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

You might be able to define the deployment using an ARM template then deploy the ARM template from powershell using New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeploymentNick.McDermaid
If I had an answer I would post an answer. It was just a comment to asses whether you've abandoned the question and how interested you are in solving your own issue.Nick.McDermaid
There are already Azure AD cmndlets to create a new application $ New-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName "NewApplication" -HomePage "microsoft.com" -IdentifierUris "NewApplication" The issue is that I cannot configure it beyond the few cmdlet options that are available. For example, I want to set certain settings under Single sign-on (eg. the sign-on mode, user attributes for a SAML sign-on mode, etc), and Provisioning settings. docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/azurerm.resources/…gbaz
You need to create a service principal not an application. Check the cmdlets for creating service principals.juunas
@juunas thanks for the reply but can you elaborate on how creating a service principle going to help me add an application from the Azure AD Gallery and configure it say using Azure Powershell?gbaz

1 Answers


There is currently no way to configure the applications from the AAD Application Gallery programmatically. You can refer to the following post:
