
After importing a project to eclipse through maven. I am getting an error and program is not running. I am using JDK 7.Eclipse :kepler version. Maven 3.5.0 version. [ Description Resource Path Location Type Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: com.google.appengine:appengine-maven-plugin:1.9.4:endpoints_get_discovery_doc (execution: default, phase: compile) pom.xml /helloworld line 114 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem](**THIS IS ERROR **).

enter image description here

You are using a plugin where there has not been written a "connector" which tells Eclipse what the plugin does. This needs to be done for all maven plugins used for Eclipse to work - fortunately the most common ones have! You need to tell Eclipse what to do for this plugin before the emulated maven build by Eclipse will work.Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
also its a good idea to show us the pom file...Dima Maligin

1 Answers


try to wrap <plugin> tag with <pluginManagement> tag at the pom.xml file

            <plugin> ... </plugin>
            <plugin> ... </plugin>