
I'm trying to do simple thing here - I want to grant Reader permissions for AppInsights resource in Azure Portal. So I created a security group called Devs. It has members in it (if that's important).

Now, I go to AppInsights resource => Access Control => Add, and look at this:

enter image description here

It can't find this group! Why is that?

how did you create the group?Shawn Tabrizi
In the portal: Azure Active Directory => User and Groups => All groups => New Groupalvipeo
@alvipeo can you find other users or groups in select?Jason Ye
No, no groups at all. Which is why I askalvipeo

1 Answers


Thanks to Azure Support, here's what happened - I log in to Azure Portal with an external user ([email protected] for example). Even though this user is a Global Admin he's not a Member of the tenant. So, either you log in with a user who's a member (@tenant.onmicrosoft.com) or you convert your user to be a Member (now, that requires you to log in as a Member admin). Here's the PowerShell script on how to convert:

Install-Module MSOnline

Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName user_outlook.com#EXT#@tenant.onmicrosoft.com -UserType Member

# just to check if you became a Member user
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName user_outlook.com#EXT#@tenant.onmicrosoft.com | select usertype